Sunday, October 26, 2008

Technology Is All Around Us's all around us...

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Anonymous said...

....ummm nice slideshow

Anonymous said...

this a great slideshow that show the real world of technology..
its a eye opener..

Ebony said...

technology is the future.

Ayalaville said...
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Anonymous said...
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This slide show took us through the different stages of technology.
It gave me some ideas of how technology is going to be the future

.... said...

the pictures was nice

technology is developing

umm music was creepy and annoying


benzel said...

A creative slide show that showed me the different types of tecnology

Anonymous said...

...I don't like it so much.=]

MiSS JENNii said...

it was interesting but i would do anything like what you did. ii would wanna do something that i liked and put it on a slide show.


benzel said...
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Triniterror said...

this slide show was fun to watch and very unspected

Ayalaville said...

The slide show was very long, but it was informative. It showed that technology is very much alive today

Aurora said...

interesting slide show the cat was very cute

greedy genius said...

nice use of pictures very professional

wats craccin kadeem said...

your blog has some interesting points

tajabratz said...

i liked the slideshow it kept my interest and i wud like to do something like it but i wud like to include more realistic pictures and i loved the quotes

Nykki B said...

The slide was awesome. The quotes were very intelligent and I agree whole-heartedly. The music was...interesting, but I didn't quites understand the point (of the slideshow that is) .

Zaire's blog said...

Very interesting slideshow has some facts and details that help support the ideal world for the future of technology becoming bigger than ever. And a daily use for people around the world.

Curtis said...

the sideshow was good and it was very informative. I found it amusing actually because a mouse was actually used as a mouse, the cat was sitting there sleep at the computer and the little boy was sitting there using the computer...which is saying that technology is all around us. It is so broad now that even animals and little children are using it.

Nykki B said...

The music was more intriguing than the slideshow itself.

Triniterror said...

k it was interesting because i saw technology i didn't know that exist.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this slideshow was boring and uninteresting.It seemed as though you just took any pictures involving technology and put them in the slide.

jody said...

I thought that this slide show was very interesting. I like the pictures and the different concepts that are depicted throughout the slide. It made me more aware of how technology has developed over time and how it as become more portable and helpful to basic living conditions around us.From the creation of the vacuum cleaner to laptops. It has helped people to become more connected on a global level because people are now able to stay in one country and speak to another person that is in another location.

Andreana.D said...

The slide show was okay ... kind of long though,could have been shorter. but your point came across.

"technology is growing day by day"

Nice [[Good work!!!!]]
I give u 3 stars =)

Anonymous said...

When i first this slide i thought it was boring. Some of the pictures that i saw didn't relate to technology to me. The slide lasted for a large amount of time. The thing that caught my eyes wasn't the pictured but the the quotes that people left. This caught my eye because i want to hear from the people who become successful in life because of technology.