Monday, July 19, 2010

NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly NO LONGER GOD ...stop-and-frisks

 Governor David Paterson's decision to scrap Kelly's databank of people not arrested in police stop-and-frisks is his first public smack-down in eight years as police commissioner.

Last week, after much debate, Governor Paterson signed legislation that stopped the NYPD from accumulating and keeping the controversial stop-and-frisk database that has existed for nearly a decade. Mayor Bloomberg and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly adamantly argued for its effectiveness in crime prevention, with Bloomberg saying, "We didn't lose. The people who are going to lose are the victims...The proponents of the bill are in neighborhoods where crime is high, and we're trying desperately to protect the people who live in those communities—and they've just taken away one of the tools."

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Promised Land

Promised Land

Though apartheid ended in South Africa in 1994, economic injustices between blacks and whites remain unresolved. As revealed in Yoruba Richen’s incisive Promised Land, the most potentially explosive issue is land. The film follows two black communities as they struggle to reclaim land from white owners, some of whom who have lived there for generations. Amid rising tensions and wavering government policies, the land issue remains South Africa’s “ticking time bomb,” with far-reaching consequences for all sides. Promised Land captures multiple perspectives of citizens struggling to create just solutions. A co-production of the National Black Programming Consortium, American Documentary/POV and the Diverse Voices Project, with funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Online: July 7, 2010 through October 5, 2010

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