Sunday, April 11, 2010

STudenT ToolKit

STudenT ToolKit
Web Applications (2009)

PhotoPeach :help you tell better stories online using photos
Slide Show show
Scribd you can easily turn any file—such as PDF, Word and PowerPoint—into a web documentClick here to create your own Wacky Web Tale
Add text-to-speech to your browser: vozMe
Paint, Sketch and Draw With Tools You Already Know How to Use! Welcome to the home of ArtRage,
ArtRage 2.5.2  Download
Student Choice Picnik 
Try these Awesome Adjectives & Sensory Words
ReadTheWords (Hear it read! Again): Lets you plug text in to the website and get a pleasant, human-sounding voice reading the text back to them.

Webcomics in the Classroom

Moving Beyond Flat Comics
You can use a site called DomoAnimate to create moving comics.Here is a sample that I made for a poetry project. DayFifteen Poetry

MakeBeliefsComix a place for you to come to and have fun by creating your own world of comic strips

Choose your own adventure