Wednesday, November 19, 2008

John Hanson
John Hanson: First President of the United States Under the Articles of Confederation

Levering, Ralph B. “John Hanson, Public Servant.” Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (Summer 1976): 113-33.
Cavanaugh, John W. Our Two First Presidents, John Hanson—George Washington. The Gold Book of United States History, Full of Gold Nuggets . [New York?: N.p., 1932.

John Hanson, President of the United States in Congress Assembled, 1781-1782 . Baltimore: Cushing, [1892?].

Johnson, Amandus. John Hanson: First President of the United States Under the Articles of Confederation . [Philadelphia: Swedish Colonial Society, 1966].

Kremer, J. Bruce. John Hanson of Mulberry Grove . New York: A. & C. Boni, Inc., 1938.

Levering, Ralph B. “John Hanson, Public Servant.” Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (Summer 1976): 113-33.

Nelson, Jacob A. John Hanson and the Inseparable Union; An Authentic Biography of a Revolutionary Leader, Patriot and Statesman . Boston: Meador Publishing Company, 1939.

Scharf, J. Thomas (John Thomas). Essay on John Hanson . N.p., 1892.

Smith, Seymour Wemyss. John Hanson, Our First President . New York: Brewer, Warren, and Putnam, 1932.

Stoeckel, Herbert J. The Strange Story of John Hanson, First President of the United States; A Guide to Oxon Hill Manor and Mulberry Grove in Maryland . 1956. Reprint, Hartford, Conn.: Hanson House, 1958.

Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present